roasted & grilled

Friday, June 02, 2006


Finally, after so many days, I got to catch a movie. Yes, it's $9.50 and there's no rebate. So who cares! Finally I get to watch. No more deliberation whether it's cheaper during weekday, or more expensive during night time.
This time round, I made up my mind and head to the cinema straight.
Alone but felt good. I saw a movie.
As the title suggested, I watched X-MEN 3. Great show? Prehaps it's the liberation that I felt or really that the show is really worth a 5 "Popcorns" ratings.
Anyway, do catch it on the big screen.
I particular like the headlines, "Whose side would you be on?"
Strangely the show really reflect a certain reality of the society. There is just no good or evil. It's how you view it.


PS: I want my Rouge, even she's just ordinary. Dun you agree, Cyclops?


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