roasted & grilled

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Not so lucky after all

Just went to X school today. Was pleasantly surprised by the relatively light load of documents to check. Just when I felt a slight sense of joy, the P told me there was misappropriation of funds last year. #$%^&! Strike jackpot again!

Monday, September 25, 2006

Quote of the day

I saw a very meaningful quote that strike a chord in my heart.
It goes like this "There is only one, I'm the one....I cannot do everything, but I can do something..because I cannot do everything, I must do something."

On a totally irrelevant note, Min Huifen and Siu Pak Yung, two top Erhu masters are coming to Singapore to perform on this Friday and Saturday respectively. I could only probably catch 萧白镛 performance of the Man Jiang Hong which was one of my favourite piece since Junior College times. Now the main problem is whether I have a partner to watch such a magnificent performance. All the CO kakees are either married, too busy with their work or simply lost that passion. Sad...sad.......just like 满江红.............

Sunday, September 24, 2006

One lousy weekend!

It’s the weekend and I was so hopping that the weekend comes fast. Now it’s Sunday and the most anticipated weekend seems more like a distant past than a reality. Boring is the word that I dread to use on a glorious 7th  day of the week. However things really don’t go that smoothly I supposed.
All things seem to go “kaput” since Friday night.
I’m at home trying my best to find a reason to get out and chill. However, nothing materialized, although I did get an invitation from AG to go to do grocery shopping at Mustafa at 11pm. Well, that isn’t much of a great way to “chill” right.
Saturday was not much good either….
Morning, I was woken up by a call from the office telling me of the work that I need to cover. Wow! What a way to start my day!
Then my Malay potatoes cake for lunch doesn’t really turn out right.
Next,my weekend movie show turned out quite a mess! (Brought online tickets and turned out that the location is GV Plaza in Orchard, while I went to the one in Bishan!) Well, at least I’m providing more space for the couples sitting next to Row D7 & 8!
Finally, my football affair turned out to be sitting on the couch with a packet of NTUC nuts in one hand and a Sapporo beer in the other. Luckily, Liverpool managed to beat Spurs 3 to “Kosong” ! Otherwise, I probably would just knock my head on the wall.
Sunday, I was reminded that I’m reaching 30! Army mate invited me to his baby 1 month old party! Guess what, all my mates were either married, getting married, have kids, going to have kids and so on and so forth. No more “chiong” nights! No more KTV! No more Mamasans! No more “G” girls! Well, finally a life of just wife and kids. What a way to tame these animals! (Actually, they still go, I suppose, just that it happens in the afternoon and not night lor)
Now, I’m spending my precious few hours blogging…….Goodness Gracious Me!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Sense & Right

Take a moment and ponder over this.
Is doing the right thing equivalent to doing the sensible thing?
It makes sense that doing it right would be also be the sensible choice.
However, is it the case?
Is it really true that doing the sensible thing means making the right choice? Or
It it more true in doing the right thing as it is sensible?
In reality, doing the sensible thing may not be the right thing.
Neither doing the right thing would result in a sensible ending.
I'm torn between being right and being sensible.
I'm losing my sanity slowly.............................
Any clues? Help!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Work or leisure?!

It was a mad, mad week. Had tons of work trying to finish and trying the meet the impossible deadline set. Of course, nothing goes smoothly even after I had "tried" my very best to produce my report by Sat.
"I think your figure is wrong....(pause).......hmm....I cannot see how this figure is obtained....." "I'm not going to review further...." (going to Shanghai)
There! 100hrs plus of manpower work done and that is it!
On an interesting note, I was also out on Sat and Sun acting as companion or advisor to source for digital SLRs...Saw a lot and learned a lot.... and somebody also spent a lot too.
Anyway, dig out some of my Sony Erisson photos after that inspired recee. Here are the photos.
One is taken in the male toilet and is pretty obvious which one I'm refering to.



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