roasted & grilled

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

If your life can speak

You never know how crazy you can get until you are been pushed to the very limit. It’s times like these that you wish life would just end. All the cursing and swearing seems so irrelevant as you grumble about your pathetic life. Life sucks, yeah! Life sucks big time, as you grows older. You get weary about going on doing the very basic things, things that you would mind doing before and you ask yourself the BIG question. “Just how many times must I continue to do this (eg wake up and go to work)” Infinite times as the sarcastic fate look at you and let out a devilious smile.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

You never know what you can find on the street!

Ha saw these ads yesterday......
Kind of funny

Birdphone in action!

Birdphone in action! Part 2!??

Oh! Cheah!

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Currently in Channel U, the Korean drama Princess Hours shown at 7pm had a viewership of more than 30% of the total Singapore population. I have also caught the bug in chasing after this Korean Drama (Oh my Goodness!)
I have bought the VCDs to this series as I got the urge to watch the whole series at one go.
The fairy tale story about the prince and princess is probably why I was hooked onto it.
Perhaps deep down in me, I was also fantasizing about living a life that is more fairytale than reality.
Worth watching for tnese reasons:
1) Being able to feel like a teen once again
2) Great props and sets
3) Great actors and actress
4) Great soundtrack but most importantly
5) Feel alive once again!

5 stars!!!

Monday, October 09, 2006


Somedays you wonder why some people just never pause and listen. Miscommunication oftens leads to misunderstandings and often one gets angry and offended by something that wasn't meant to be in that way. Prehaps one should check their own EQ.
Here is mine anyway...

Your EQ is 113

50 or less: Thanks for answering honestly. Now get yourself a shrink, quick!
51-70: When it comes to understanding human emotions, you'd have better luck understanding Chinese.
71-90: You've got more emotional intelligence than the average frat boy. Barely.
91-110: You're average. It's easy to predict how you'll react to things. But anyone could have guessed that.
111-130: You usually have it going on emotionally, but roadblocks tend to land you on your butt.
131-150: You are remarkable when it comes to relating with others. Only the biggest losers get under your skin.
150+: Two possibilities - you've either out "Dr. Phil-ed" Dr. Phil... or you're a dirty liar.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Let it all out!

Only for the eyes of those above 18 or those who went through ARMY

I’m feeling moody and pissed today! First the haze is back and my eyes and throat are getting the ill effects from the stupid Sumatra fire. NBCB! Why am I suffering from other idiots (some more not from my country) folly!
Second, just received a call from my Division to tell me to go back to reservist 2 weeks later. I asked them, Where is the SAF100 to ask me back? They say “ Opps! Forget to send, will send as soon as possible…oversight!” KNN, you forget to send and now I must go. I ask them what the deal is about. They say that they have an event called the CB challenge! They are asking for 10 people from each battalion to come back for some fun and games! I ask them what game? They say come back draw arms and do advance SOC! CB! Fuck your M! You call such life threatening activity on a 30 year old, one foot in the grave soldier that this is “FUN And GAME!” In true army term, I wanted to tell that Captain, “F you, you understand! Go f a spider!” CB, one battalion got more than 500 soldiers and I must kena! Chao CB!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Book Review

I have read a new book and thought that it might be interesting to talk a bit about that novel. The title of the novel is “behind everyman” by David Israel which talks about a man reaching the big 30, his career and of course his love life. The book is probably fiction but I have a strong feeling that the author was more or less presenting his own life story.
The whole story revolves the life of a everyday man at work, trying his best to act knowledgeable and competent as well as eye balling on every single babe in his office building. Seriously, that’s very much like what a real life 29 plus bachelor would be doing. Of course, like every good novel, he actually met one interesting girl on the web and they got to like each other. Unfortunately, the girl was suffering from some rare illness where she had to take naps regularly to recover her energy. In other words, she was a 病猫. The girl who felt the stigma that since she was inconceivable, they should not be together, especially since the male character really love kids. During this fragile time, the guy was offered a job that could propel his career forward and he had to make a choice whether to go for the career or her. The guy finally makes the decision to choose the girl.
So what have I learnt from the story that I want to share?

You guess lor………..

Sunday, October 01, 2006


今日去了新加坡大会堂听萧白镛的二胡演奏,果然没让我失望。这是一场充满着暴发力的演出。最后一首“满江红” 真的让人听了陶醉期中。棒,非常棒!

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